Click on the contributor's polaroid for their respective social media. Give them a follow for more amazing works! Contributors may also post their piece(s) individually after January 1st. Those will be linked beneath the polaroid. Please like/kudos/comment/retweet if you can, it means the world to creators!

Fanfiction and Podfics

Page Art

Comic and Coloring Page Merch

Page Art

Page Art and Social Media PFP Merch


Fanfiction, Discord/WhatsApp Emojis, Podfics


NameZine Mod RoleDiscord Username
NeoCo-Head Mod, Social Media, GraphicsCarrd: neolavender; Discord: neolavender#2488
AlfredCo-Head Mod, Social MediaTwitter: @Hellianthese; Instagram: @Hellianthese; Discord: Alfred Arty#2588
JessiLayout & FormattingCarrd: jessibird; Discord: jessi2497#3785
BunnyCommunicationTumblr: damn-scarhead; Twitter: bunzwin; Discord: Bunny. ☆#7519
AlecGeneralTwitter: @Daily_Eruri; Discord: Alec#9036
JamesGeneralTwitter: @Lucifer_Eruri; Tumblr: radioactiveangeldust; Discord: AngelDust#3681